One of the best places to shoot saleable images for Microstock Photography Market is at a wedding. Most wedding images are always in great demand and because you are in a crowd of picture takers, you won’t be noticed so you can move in close and treated simply as a guest and not a photographer.
Over the years, some of the images that I have shot at Weddings have produced some of my best selling images in the World of Microstock Photography. Weddings are a popular subject both on and off line and because fashions change new updated and fresh images are always in demand. The trick is to shoot your pictures without the faces visible so they subjects cannot be recognised. This ensures that they will be available to a wider audience and I don’t have the bother of ‘Model Releases’ etc. What you have to think of whilst you are shooting the pictures is ‘How can I illustrate the subject without identifying anyone?’
For example a close-up of the bouquet in the hands of the bride is always a certain seller. You’re only showing the hands and the flowers but it is instantly related to a wedding. Hymn books in the Church or the Bride and Groom’s hands linked showing the rings. You can catch off moment close-ups of drinkers and smokers. Look for the wedding guest that is adjusting the flowers in their button hole or the holding of the Top Hat. Hands that are getting ready to throw the confetti or close-ups of the confetti with an out of focus Bride and Groom in the background.
Wedding cars are always in pristine condition and detailed shots of gleaming parts can add to your online portfolio. A sure seller if the Top Hat on the bonnet or the bride’s hand waving through an open window. Focus on the front grill with the Bride and Groom out of focus in the distance.
At the reception there’s the table settings which invariably are in tip top condition and excellently presented. Some of the guests will be leaning over the crowded bar and relaxing with a much deserved drink. Children will be running all over the place and maybe playing hide and seek.
All these subjects can be captured without showing any identification or recognisable features. You can shoot away at a wedding without looking conspicuous because most of the other guests will be taking pictures. There are photo opportunities all around you and you’ll never be stuck for the next wedding photography idea of what to shoot. That’s why one of the best opportunities for a Microstock Photographer is a good old fashioned wedding ceremony!
The Wedding Photography Blueprint is the most in-depth digital wedding photography ebook on the web that is designed to give anyone the chance to become a successful wedding photographer, regardless of experience or knowledge. These extensive and easy to understand tips will make your learning curve as easy as "painting by numbers".
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